80,000! That's roughly the number of hours you spend in the course of your professional life.
Yes, work is an essential part of our lives - and not just in terms of time. Even more important that we enjoy what we do.
That's why we at GFOS want our work and our software to make your daily life easier every day, both on a professional and private level. After all, for us, working simply means working very well, and above all working in a fulfilling and meaningful way. In our view, this is the best breeding ground for unlocking the full potential of each individual's talents.
That's why we like to work with people who set equally high standards when it comes to results and the worth of their work. At the same time, we want them to enjoy what they do. Let's get started!
Training & studies
Would you like to gain experience in a company run by a family? Then you've come to the right place! Student internship, training or dual studies - we have various opportunities on offer.
Young professionals
Are you interested in gaining your first hands-on experience in a family business? Then we are keen to help you shape your future.
Would you like the chance to hone your skills in a company run by a family? Here at GFOS you can put your expertise, your professional experience and your unique skills to good use.
Are you also a go-getter and share our vision of making work easier? If so, join us and become part of GFOS. We look forward to hearing your ideas and getting to know you!